July 11, 2006


Once again, the prices of fuel had gone up. At 12 midnight yesterday, an price hike of 50 centavos per liter was implemented. Those who were aware made sure to fill up before earlier that evening. I was one of them. And it cost more than 2,300 Pesos for about 50 liters of gasoline.

a rare site!

Currently, the price of a liter of gasoline (unleaded) is almost 45 Pesos. That means that a hundred bucks will only get you just over a couple of liters. The price of diesel is probably a little lesser than that. I miss the days when a liter of a gas was even cheaper than a liter of bottled mineral water.

When I was working, friends ask me where I spend most of my salary, and I quickly tell them that that all my (hard-earned) money go to fuel expenses. I'm not really sure how much my daily fuel consumption is, but I spend at least 100 Pesos everyday. That's 3000 a month.

I tried an experiment once just to see how many kilometers I could go per hundred pesos. I put 1500 worth of gas in the Accord and reset the odometer. A couple of weeks later, the fuel warning LED started to light and the odometer read 165 kilometers. If my math is right, that's exactly only 11 kilometers per 100 Pesos, translating into about 5 kilometers per liter. Compare that to a Picanto, which, rumor has it, consumes an amazing 27 kilometers per liter. Maybe it has something to do also with the Accord's lack of fuel efficiency then. It has a 2.0 engine, and it's automatic, so it's more inefficient than the ordinary car. But still, the bottomline is, prices of fuel are devastatingly high.
Just imagine, I estimate the distance between the house (Pulantubig) to school at almost 3 kilometers. Thus, a round trip for that route is around 6 kilometers, or more than a liter of fuel consumption.
I've already started some measures that would hopefully lessen my gas expenses. I make sure that when I leave home each morning, I have all the things I need for that whole day, so that I won't need to go back home for stuff I may have forgotten to bring. Another measure is to park just at the house in Silliman Avenue and walk going to school (if it wasn't raining) or downtown. Lastly, every chance that I get, I'd rather leave the car at home and ride with mom and dad.

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