June 25, 2006

10 signs that you're getting older

Here are 10 things that makes you realize you’re getting older (based on my own experience!)

  1. when the clothes you bought just last Christmas do not fit anymore (this probably has something more to do with weight rather than age)
  2. when people prefer to call you kuya or sir
  3. when you use the calculator more often instead of doing all the math in your head (you’d blame your deteriorating memory on beer)
  4. when drinking all night doesn't sound so fun anymore (and when you do drink, everyone seems to talk about anything related to work and jobhunting)
  5. when you play golf or badminton more instead of basketball (people think badminton is a sissy game - no offense, I play it too, and believe me, it’s tougher than you think)
  6. when you do play basketball and the kids you used to beat all the time before now run circles around you (I don’t jump as high or run as fast as before. Your mind thinks you could do it but your body doesn’t)
  7. when you idolize NBA players who are much younger than you are (you look up to LeBron James and the other high school phenoms)
  8. when you’re the only one among all the cousins in your entire family who isn’t married and doesn’t have kids (among all the first cousins in my father’s side, I’m the only one unmarried and without kids)
  9. when you and your nephew are both freshmen students in school (just to clarify, he’s a freshman undergrad student, I’m a freshman law student, but you get the same green sheet when you enroll at SU)
  10. when you now believe in the saying that “age doesn’t matter”
